Timothy Kennar Allibone

  • Active
  • Director

Current Company: Frep 4 H3 Limited

  • Summary The person with name "Timothy Kennar Allibone" is a Director and was appointed by 31 companies. Timothy Kennar Allibone has 20 active appointments and resigned from 11 appointments. These appointments include director, secretary and person with significant control appointments. Details about director profile is given in below sections.


List of all appointments for Timothy Kennar Allibone.

Following are the details about all appointments as Company Director or Secretary.

# Company Role Appt Date Status
1 Frep 4 H3 Limited Director 1 May 2020 Active
2 Frep 4 H2 Limited Director 1 May 2020 Active
3 Frep 4 (E&C) Holdings Limited Director 9 Mar 2020 Active
4 Friary Meadow Limited Director 24 May 2019 Active
5 Frep 3 (Prince'S Square) Limited Director 26 Sep 2018 Active
6 Frep 3 (Kensington Square) Limited Director 14 Sep 2018 Active
7 Frep 3 (Abbey Road) Limited Director 3 Aug 2018 Active
8 Frep 3 (Ac) Invest Limited Director 25 Jul 2018 Active
9 Lingfield Warehousing And Logistics Limited Director 24 Jul 2018 Active
10 Frep 3 (Salford) Limited Director 18 May 2018 Active
11 Frep 3 (Salford) Holdings Limited Director 4 May 2018 Active
12 Oriana Residential Nominee No.1 Limited Director 31 Mar 2017 Resigned
12 Apr 2018
13 Oriana Residential Nominee No.2 Limited Director 31 Mar 2017 Resigned
12 Apr 2018
14 Oriana Gp Limited Director 31 Mar 2017 Resigned
12 Apr 2018
15 Frep 3 (Ufford) Limited Director 9 Dec 2016 Active
16 Corby Rail Services Limited Director 8 Jun 2016 Resigned
23 Oct 2018
17 Corby (General Partner) Limited Director 8 Jun 2016 Resigned
23 Oct 2018
18 Titchfield Cd Limited Director 24 Mar 2016 Active
19 Corby Land & Development Ltd Director 30 Dec 2015 Active
20 Frogmore Real Estate Partners Gp2 Limited Director 1 Nov 2014 Active
21 Carbis Bay Developments Limited Director 1 Nov 2014 Active
22 Kingfisher Una Resort Limited Director 1 Nov 2014 Resigned
6 Oct 2016
23 Una St Ives Limited Director 1 Nov 2014 Resigned
6 Oct 2016
24 Frep Gp Invest Limited Director 1 Nov 2014 Active
25 Una St Ives Homes Limited Director 1 Nov 2014 Resigned
6 Oct 2016
26 Frogmore Real Estate Partners Fund Managers Limited Director 1 Nov 2014 Active
27 Frogmore Real Estate Partners Gp1 Limited Director 1 Nov 2014 Active
28 Frogmore Real Estate Partners Investment Managers Limited Director 1 Nov 2014 Active
29 Oriana Gp Limited Director 25 Feb 2011 Resigned
25 Mar 2014
30 Heart Of London Business Alliance Director 25 Aug 2010 Resigned
5 Mar 2012
31 Spring Gardens Court Limited Director 9 Feb 2009 Resigned
23 Apr 2010

Mutual People

List of mutual people between mutual company.

Following are the details about people which are related using mutual companies.

# Name
1 Timothy Kennar Allibone
Mutual Companies: Friary Meadow Limited , Lingfield Warehousing And Logistics Limited , Corby Land & Development Ltd , Carbis Bay Developments Limited , Frep 3 (Salford) Limited , Frep 3 (Prince'S Square) Limited , Frep 3 (Salford) Holdings Limited , Frep 3 (Kensington Square) Limited , Frep 3 (Ufford) Limited , Frep Gp Invest Limited , Titchfield Cd Limited , Frep 3 (Ac) Invest Limited , Frep 3 (Abbey Road) Limited , Frep 4 H3 Limited , Frogmore Real Estate Partners Fund Managers Limited , Frogmore Real Estate Partners Gp1 Limited , Frep 4 (E&C) Holdings Limited , Frep 4 H2 Limited , Frogmore Real Estate Partners Investment Managers Limited , Frogmore Real Estate Partners Gp2 Limited
2 Michael Whitney
Mutual Companies: Friary Meadow Limited
3 Stephen John Ladyman
Mutual Companies: Friary Meadow Limited
4 Paul Baron Bray
Mutual Companies: Lingfield Warehousing And Logistics Limited , Carbis Bay Developments Limited , Frep 3 (Salford) Limited , Frep 3 (Prince'S Square) Limited , Frep 3 (Salford) Holdings Limited , Frep 3 (Kensington Square) Limited , Frep 3 (Ufford) Limited , Frep Gp Invest Limited , Frep 3 (Ac) Invest Limited , Frep 3 (Abbey Road) Limited , Frep 4 H3 Limited , Frogmore Real Estate Partners Fund Managers Limited , Frogmore Real Estate Partners Gp1 Limited , Frep 4 (E&C) Holdings Limited , Frogmore Real Estate Partners Investment Managers Limited , Frep 4 H2 Limited , Frogmore Real Estate Partners Gp2 Limited
5 Julian Brooke
Mutual Companies: Lingfield Warehousing And Logistics Limited
6 Robert Peter Mills
Mutual Companies: Lingfield Warehousing And Logistics Limited
7 Josephine Clare Brand
Mutual Companies: Corby Land & Development Ltd , Frep 3 (Salford) Limited , Frep 3 (Prince'S Square) Limited , Frep 3 (Salford) Holdings Limited , Frep 3 (Kensington Square) Limited , Frep 3 (Ufford) Limited , Frep Gp Invest Limited , Titchfield Cd Limited , Frep 3 (Ac) Invest Limited , Frep 3 (Abbey Road) Limited , Frep 4 H3 Limited , Frogmore Real Estate Partners Fund Managers Limited , Frogmore Real Estate Partners Gp1 Limited , Frep 4 (E&C) Holdings Limited , Frep 4 H2 Limited , Frogmore Real Estate Partners Gp2 Limited
8 Patrick Julian Hulme Smith
Mutual Companies: Corby Land & Development Ltd , Carbis Bay Developments Limited , Frep 3 (Salford) Limited , Frep 3 (Prince'S Square) Limited , Frep 3 (Salford) Holdings Limited , Frep 3 (Kensington Square) Limited , Frep 3 (Ufford) Limited , Frep Gp Invest Limited , Titchfield Cd Limited , Frep 3 (Ac) Invest Limited , Frep 3 (Abbey Road) Limited , Frep 4 H3 Limited , Frogmore Real Estate Partners Fund Managers Limited , Frep 4 (E&C) Holdings Limited , Frogmore Real Estate Partners Investment Managers Limited , Frep 4 H2 Limited
9 Jonathan Colin Tate
Mutual Companies: Corby Land & Development Ltd
10 Robert John Wilkinson
Mutual Companies: Corby Land & Development Ltd
Mutual Companies: Corby Land & Development Ltd
12 Mark Ashby Wilkinson
Mutual Companies: Corby Land & Development Ltd
13 Michael Whitney
Mutual Companies: Friary Meadow Limited
14 John Paul Matthews
Mutual Companies: Friary Meadow Limited
15 Jonathan Paul White
Mutual Companies: Carbis Bay Developments Limited , Frep Gp Invest Limited , Frogmore Real Estate Partners Fund Managers Limited , Frogmore Real Estate Partners Gp1 Limited , Frogmore Real Estate Partners Investment Managers Limited , Frogmore Real Estate Partners Gp2 Limited
16 Stuart Roderick Jenkin
Mutual Companies: Carbis Bay Developments Limited , Frep Gp Invest Limited , Frogmore Real Estate Partners Fund Managers Limited , Frogmore Real Estate Partners Gp1 Limited , Frogmore Real Estate Partners Investment Managers Limited , Frogmore Real Estate Partners Gp2 Limited
17 Eric George Oliver Roseman
Mutual Companies: Carbis Bay Developments Limited , Frep Gp Invest Limited , Frogmore Real Estate Partners Fund Managers Limited , Frogmore Real Estate Partners Gp1 Limited , Frogmore Real Estate Partners Investment Managers Limited , Frogmore Real Estate Partners Gp2 Limited
18 Andrew Ian Rogers
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Salford) Limited , Frep 3 (Prince'S Square) Limited , Frep 3 (Salford) Holdings Limited , Frep 3 (Kensington Square) Limited , Frep Gp Invest Limited , Frep 3 (Ac) Invest Limited , Frep 3 (Abbey Road) Limited , Frep 4 H3 Limited , Frogmore Real Estate Partners Fund Managers Limited , Frep 4 (E&C) Holdings Limited , Frogmore Real Estate Partners Investment Managers Limited , Frep 4 H2 Limited
19 Jeremy David Maxfield
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Salford) Limited
20 Kenneth Richard Parker
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Salford) Limited
21 William Patrick Tuffy
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Salford) Limited
22 Paul Baron Bray
Mutual Companies: Titchfield Cd Limited
23 Barry Gregory Kitcherside
Mutual Companies: Frogmore Real Estate Partners Fund Managers Limited , Frogmore Real Estate Partners Investment Managers Limited
24 Dennis John Cope
Mutual Companies: Frogmore Real Estate Partners Gp1 Limited , Frogmore Real Estate Partners Investment Managers Limited , Frogmore Real Estate Partners Gp2 Limited
Mutual Companies: Frogmore Real Estate Partners Gp1 Limited , Frogmore Real Estate Partners Investment Managers Limited
26 Josephine Clare Allen
Mutual Companies: Frogmore Real Estate Partners Investment Managers Limited
27 Trevor Michael Birchmore
Mutual Companies: Frogmore Real Estate Partners Investment Managers Limited
Mutual Companies: Frogmore Real Estate Partners Gp2 Limited
29 Paul Baron Bray
Mutual Companies: Frep Gp Invest Limited
30 Paul Baron Bray
Mutual Companies: Frogmore Real Estate Partners Investment Managers Limited
31 Paul Baron Bray
Mutual Companies: Carbis Bay Developments Limited
32 Paul Baron Bray
Mutual Companies: Frogmore Real Estate Partners Gp1 Limited
33 Paul Baron Bray
Mutual Companies: Frogmore Real Estate Partners Gp2 Limited
34 Paul Baron Bray
Mutual Companies: Frogmore Real Estate Partners Fund Managers Limited
35 Paul Baron Bray
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Ufford) Limited
36 Timothy Kennar Allibone
Mutual Companies: Frep 4 H2 Limited
37 Paul Baron Bray
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Salford) Limited
38 Timothy Kennar Allibone
Mutual Companies: Frogmore Real Estate Partners Gp1 Limited
39 Paul Baron Bray
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Ac) Invest Limited
40 Timothy Kennar Allibone
Mutual Companies: Corby Land & Development Ltd
41 Timothy Kennar Allibone
Mutual Companies: Frep 4 H3 Limited
42 Paul Baron Bray
Mutual Companies: Lingfield Warehousing And Logistics Limited
43 Timothy Kennar Allibone
Mutual Companies: Frep 4 (E&C) Holdings Limited
44 Paul Baron Bray
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Abbey Road) Limited
45 Timothy Kennar Allibone
Mutual Companies: Friary Meadow Limited
46 Paul Baron Bray
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Kensington Square) Limited
47 Paul Baron Bray
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Prince'S Square) Limited
48 Timothy Kennar Allibone
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Salford) Holdings Limited
49 Paul Baron Bray
Mutual Companies: Frep 4 (E&C) Holdings Limited
50 Timothy Kennar Allibone
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Salford) Limited
51 Timothy Kennar Allibone
Mutual Companies: Lingfield Warehousing And Logistics Limited
52 Paul Baron Bray
Mutual Companies: Frep 4 H3 Limited
53 Timothy Kennar Allibone
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Kensington Square) Limited
54 Timothy Kennar Allibone
Mutual Companies: Frogmore Real Estate Partners Investment Managers Limited
55 Timothy Kennar Allibone
Mutual Companies: Frep Gp Invest Limited
56 Timothy Kennar Allibone
Mutual Companies: Frogmore Real Estate Partners Fund Managers Limited
57 Timothy Kennar Allibone
Mutual Companies: Frogmore Real Estate Partners Gp2 Limited
58 Andrew Ian Rogers
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Prince'S Square) Limited
59 Timothy Kennar Allibone
Mutual Companies: Titchfield Cd Limited
60 Timothy Kennar Allibone
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Ufford) Limited
61 Andrew Ian Rogers
Mutual Companies: Frep 4 H3 Limited
62 Andrew Ian Rogers
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Salford) Limited
63 Timothy Kennar Allibone
Mutual Companies: Carbis Bay Developments Limited
64 Timothy Kennar Allibone
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Ac) Invest Limited
65 Andrew Ian Rogers
Mutual Companies: Frep 4 (E&C) Holdings Limited
66 Timothy Kennar Allibone
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Abbey Road) Limited
67 Andrew Ian Rogers
Mutual Companies: Frogmore Real Estate Partners Investment Managers Limited
68 Timothy Kennar Allibone
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Prince'S Square) Limited
69 Andrew Ian Rogers
Mutual Companies: Frogmore Real Estate Partners Fund Managers Limited
70 Andrew Ian Rogers
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Ac) Invest Limited
71 Robert Peter Mills
Mutual Companies: Lingfield Warehousing And Logistics Limited
72 Andrew Ian Rogers
Mutual Companies: Frep 4 H2 Limited
73 Andrew Ian Rogers
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Kensington Square) Limited
74 Josephine Clare Brand
Mutual Companies: Frep Gp Invest Limited
75 Andrew Ian Rogers
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Abbey Road) Limited
76 Josephine Clare Brand
Mutual Companies: Frogmore Real Estate Partners Gp2 Limited
77 Andrew Ian Rogers
Mutual Companies: Frep Gp Invest Limited
78 Josephine Clare Brand
Mutual Companies: Titchfield Cd Limited
79 Josephine Clare Brand
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Ufford) Limited
80 Josephine Clare Brand
Mutual Companies: Frep 4 (E&C) Holdings Limited
81 Josephine Clare Brand
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Salford) Holdings Limited
82 Josephine Clare Brand
Mutual Companies: Frep 4 H2 Limited
83 Josephine Clare Brand
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Ac) Invest Limited
84 Josephine Clare Brand
Mutual Companies: Frep 4 H3 Limited
85 Josephine Clare Brand
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Abbey Road) Limited
86 Josephine Clare Brand
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Kensington Square) Limited
87 Andrew Ian Rogers
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Salford) Holdings Limited
88 Josephine Clare Brand
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Prince'S Square) Limited
89 Josephine Clare Brand
Mutual Companies: Frogmore Real Estate Partners Gp1 Limited
90 Josephine Clare Brand
Mutual Companies: Corby Land & Development Ltd
91 Patrick Julian Hulme Smith
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Kensington Square) Limited
92 Patrick Julian Hulme Smith
Mutual Companies: Frogmore Real Estate Partners Investment Managers Limited
93 Paul Baron Bray
Mutual Companies: Frep 4 H2 Limited
94 Patrick Julian Hulme Smith
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Prince'S Square) Limited
95 Patrick Julian Hulme Smith
Mutual Companies: Frogmore Real Estate Partners Fund Managers Limited
96 Patrick Julian Hulme Smith
Mutual Companies: Frep 4 (E&C) Holdings Limited
97 Patrick Julian Hulme Smith
Mutual Companies: Frep Gp Invest Limited
98 Patrick Julian Hulme Smith
Mutual Companies: Frep 4 H2 Limited
99 Patrick Julian Hulme Smith
Mutual Companies: Carbis Bay Developments Limited
100 Patrick Julian Hulme Smith
Mutual Companies: Frep 4 H3 Limited
101 Patrick Julian Hulme Smith
Mutual Companies: Titchfield Cd Limited
102 Robert John Wilkinson
Mutual Companies: Corby Land & Development Ltd
103 Patrick Julian Hulme Smith
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Ufford) Limited
104 Patrick Julian Hulme Smith
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Salford) Holdings Limited
105 Jeremy David Maxfield
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Salford) Limited
106 Patrick Julian Hulme Smith
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Ac) Invest Limited
107 Josephine Clare Brand
Mutual Companies: Frogmore Real Estate Partners Fund Managers Limited
108 Patrick Julian Hulme Smith
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Salford) Limited
109 Patrick Julian Hulme Smith
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Abbey Road) Limited
110 Josephine Clare Brand
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Salford) Limited
111 Dennis John Cope
Mutual Companies: Frogmore Real Estate Partners Gp1 Limited
112 Dennis John Cope
Mutual Companies: Frogmore Real Estate Partners Gp2 Limited
113 John Paul Matthews
Mutual Companies: Lingfield Warehousing And Logistics Limited
114 Dennis John Cope
Mutual Companies: Frogmore Real Estate Partners Investment Managers Limited
115 Jonathan Colin Tate
Mutual Companies: Corby Land & Development Ltd
116 Paul Baron Bray
Mutual Companies: Frep 3 (Salford) Holdings Limited