Stephen Linton Littlefair

  • Active
  • Director

Current Company: Bh Ilford Limited

  • Summary The person with name "Stephen Linton Littlefair" is a Director and was appointed by 37 companies. Stephen Linton Littlefair has 31 active appointments and resigned from 6 appointments. These appointments include director, secretary and person with significant control appointments. Details about director profile is given in below sections.


List of all appointments for Stephen Linton Littlefair.

Following are the details about all appointments as Company Director or Secretary.

# Company Role Appt Date Status
1 Bh Ilford Limited Director 30 Nov 2020 Active
2 Hotel Gotham Newcastle Limited Director 30 Nov 2020 Active
3 Bh (Summermist) Limited Director 16 Jun 2020 Active
4 Bh Central Services Limited Director 16 Jun 2020 Active
5 Cdp (Welford Road) Limited Director 29 Oct 2019 Active
6 Bespoke Hotels (Caledonia 1) Limited Director 28 Jun 2019 Active
7 Cdp (Portland Street) Limited Director 9 May 2019 Resigned
5 Feb 2020
8 Bespoke Hotels (Plymouth) Limited Director 10 Apr 2019 Active
9 Bespoke Hotels (Cotswolds) Limited Director 10 Oct 2018 Active
10 Goldie Hotels (1) Limited Director 24 Apr 2018 Resigned
14 Jan 2019
11 Bespoke Hotels The Mill Limited Director 25 Jan 2018 Active
12 Stifford Hall Hotel Limited Director 29 Dec 2017 Resigned
7 Jan 2020
13 Bespoke Hotels Blackpool Limited Director 24 Nov 2017 Active
14 Bespoke Hotels Torquay Limited Director 28 Sep 2017 Active
15 Bespoke Hotels Harrogate Limited Director 9 Aug 2017 Active
16 Bespoke Hotels Manchester Limited Director 4 Aug 2017 Active
17 Bespoke Hotels Lyndene Limited Director 3 Aug 2017 Active
18 Gairloch Hotel Limited Director 19 Oct 2016 Active
19 Bespoke Hotels Cirencester Limited Director 10 Oct 2016 Active
20 Dnuk Operator Limited Director 3 Oct 2016 Active
21 Hotel White Horse Trade Co Limited Director 2 Sep 2016 Active
22 Hotel White Horse Limited Director 9 Aug 2016 Active
23 Bespoke Hotels (Designs) Limited Director 18 Feb 2016 Active
24 The Talbot Hotel (Surrey) Limited Director 4 Dec 2015 Active
25 Bespoke Hotels International Limited Director 8 Aug 2015 Active
26 Bespoke Hotels (Isis) Limited Director 12 May 2015 Active
27 Goldie Hotels (5) Limited Director 16 Mar 2015 Dissolved
28 Hrsgt St Lucia Limited Director 16 Feb 2015 Dissolved
29 Bespoke Hotels Chester Limited Director 6 Feb 2015 Active
30 Hotel Gotham Limited Director 29 Jan 2015 Active
31 Goldie Hotels (4) Limited Director 24 Nov 2014 Resigned
15 Nov 2018
32 Bespoke Hotels (Wessex) Limited Director 12 Nov 2014 Active
33 Goldie Hotels (3) Limited Director 3 Jul 2014 Resigned
15 Nov 2018
34 Bespoke Hotels (West London) Limited Director 29 May 2014 Active
35 Bespoke Hotels Goldie Limited Director 5 Nov 2013 Active
36 Goldie Hotels (2) Limited Director 5 Nov 2013 Resigned
15 Nov 2018
37 Bhl Trading Limited Director 15 Jun 2011 Active

Mutual People

List of mutual people between mutual company.

Following are the details about people which are related using mutual companies.

# Name
1 Haydn Herbert James Fentum
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels Lyndene Limited , Bespoke Hotels Harrogate Limited , Bespoke Hotels Blackpool Limited , Bespoke Hotels Manchester Limited , Bespoke Hotels Torquay Limited , Bespoke Hotels The Mill Limited
2 Thomas Edward Greenall
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels Lyndene Limited , Bespoke Hotels Harrogate Limited , Bespoke Hotels Blackpool Limited , Bespoke Hotels Manchester Limited , Bespoke Hotels Torquay Limited , Bespoke Hotels The Mill Limited
3 Stephen Linton Littlefair
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels Lyndene Limited , Bespoke Hotels Harrogate Limited , Bhl Trading Limited , Bespoke Hotels Blackpool Limited , Bespoke Hotels (Plymouth) Limited , Bespoke Hotels Manchester Limited , Bespoke Hotels (Cotswolds) Limited , Bespoke Hotels Cirencester Limited , Bespoke Hotels (Designs) Limited , Bespoke Hotels Torquay Limited , Bespoke Hotels The Mill Limited , Bh Central Services Limited , Bespoke Hotels (Caledonia 1) Limited , Dnuk Operator Limited , Bespoke Hotels (West London) Limited , Bespoke Hotels Chester Limited , Hotel Gotham Limited , Gairloch Hotel Limited , Cdp (Welford Road) Limited , Hotel Gotham Newcastle Limited , Hotel White Horse Limited , Hotel White Horse Trade Co Limited , Bespoke Hotels Goldie Limited , Bespoke Hotels International Limited , Bespoke Hotels (Isis) Limited , Bespoke Hotels (Wessex) Limited , Bh (Summermist) Limited , The Talbot Hotel (Surrey) Limited , Goldie Hotels (5) Limited , Bh Ilford Limited , Hrsgt St Lucia Limited
4 Graham Galsgaard Marskell
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels Lyndene Limited , Bespoke Hotels Harrogate Limited , Bhl Trading Limited , Bespoke Hotels Blackpool Limited , Bespoke Hotels (Plymouth) Limited , Bespoke Hotels Manchester Limited , Bespoke Hotels Cirencester Limited , Bespoke Hotels (Designs) Limited , Bespoke Hotels Torquay Limited , Bespoke Hotels The Mill Limited , Bespoke Hotels (Caledonia 1) Limited , Bespoke Hotels (West London) Limited , Bespoke Hotels Chester Limited , Hotel Gotham Limited , Bespoke Hotels International Limited , Bespoke Hotels (Wessex) Limited , Goldie Hotels (5) Limited , Hrsgt St Lucia Limited
5 Robin Sheppard
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels Lyndene Limited
6 Robin Michael Philpot Sheppard
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels Harrogate Limited , Bespoke Hotels Blackpool Limited , Bespoke Hotels Manchester Limited , Bespoke Hotels Torquay Limited , Bespoke Hotels The Mill Limited
7 Haydn Herbert James Fentum
Mutual Companies: Bhl Trading Limited , Bespoke Hotels (Plymouth) Limited , Bespoke Hotels (Cotswolds) Limited , Bespoke Hotels (Designs) Limited , Dnuk Operator Limited , Bespoke Hotels (West London) Limited , Bespoke Hotels Chester Limited , Hotel Gotham Limited , Gairloch Hotel Limited , Hotel White Horse Limited , Hotel White Horse Trade Co Limited , Bespoke Hotels Goldie Limited , Bespoke Hotels International Limited , Bespoke Hotels (Isis) Limited , Bespoke Hotels (Wessex) Limited , Goldie Hotels (5) Limited , The Talbot Hotel (Surrey) Limited , Hrsgt St Lucia Limited
8 Thomas Edward Greenall
Mutual Companies: Bhl Trading Limited , Bespoke Hotels Chester Limited , Hotel Gotham Limited
9 Robin Michael Philpot Sheppard
Mutual Companies: Bhl Trading Limited , Bespoke Hotels (Plymouth) Limited , Bespoke Hotels (Cotswolds) Limited , Bespoke Hotels Cirencester Limited , Bespoke Hotels (Designs) Limited , Bespoke Hotels (West London) Limited , Bespoke Hotels Chester Limited , Hotel Gotham Limited , Bespoke Hotels Goldie Limited , Bespoke Hotels International Limited , Bespoke Hotels (Isis) Limited , Bespoke Hotels (Wessex) Limited , Goldie Hotels (5) Limited , Hrsgt St Lucia Limited
10 David Andrew Clarke
Mutual Companies: Bhl Trading Limited
11 David Charles Coubrough
Mutual Companies: Bhl Trading Limited
12 Peter Gilbert Daresbury
Mutual Companies: Bhl Trading Limited
13 Omar Marwan Fadli
Mutual Companies: Bhl Trading Limited
14 Omar Mohammed Jaroudi
Mutual Companies: Bhl Trading Limited
15 Laith Waines
Mutual Companies: Bhl Trading Limited
Mutual Companies: Bhl Trading Limited
17 Thomas Edward Greenall
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels (Plymouth) Limited , Bh Central Services Limited , Cdp (Welford Road) Limited , Bh (Summermist) Limited
18 Haydn Herbert James Fentum
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels Cirencester Limited
19 Haydn Herbert James Fentum
Mutual Companies: Bh Central Services Limited , Cdp (Welford Road) Limited , Hotel Gotham Newcastle Limited , Bh (Summermist) Limited , Bh Ilford Limited
20 Graham Marskell
Mutual Companies: Bh Central Services Limited , Cdp (Welford Road) Limited , Hotel Gotham Newcastle Limited , Bh (Summermist) Limited , Bh Ilford Limited
21 Robin Michael Philpot Sheppard
Mutual Companies: Bh Central Services Limited
22 Haydn Herbert James Fentum
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels (Caledonia 1) Limited
23 Craigie Anne Pearson
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels (Caledonia 1) Limited
24 Robin Michael Philpot Sheppard
Mutual Companies: Cdp (Welford Road) Limited
25 Paul Hogarth
Mutual Companies: Hotel Gotham Newcastle Limited , Bh Ilford Limited
26 Robin Michael Philpot Sheppard
Mutual Companies: Hotel Gotham Newcastle Limited
27 Graham Marksell
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels Goldie Limited
28 Nicholas James Turner
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels International Limited
29 Robin Michael Philpot Sheppard
Mutual Companies: Bh (Summermist) Limited
30 Catherine Helen Webster
Mutual Companies: Bh Ilford Limited
31 Menoshi Shina
Mutual Companies: The Talbot Hotel (Surrey) Limited
32 Haydn Herbert James Fentum
Mutual Companies: Cdp (Welford Road) Limited
33 David Charles Coubrough
Mutual Companies: Bhl Trading Limited
34 Stephen Linton Littlefair
Mutual Companies: Cdp (Welford Road) Limited
35 Thomas Edward Greenall
Mutual Companies: Cdp (Welford Road) Limited
36 Graham Galsgaard Marskell
Mutual Companies: Hotel Gotham Newcastle Limited
37 Jonathan Booth
Mutual Companies: Cdp (Welford Road) Limited
38 Robin Michael Philpot Sheppard
Mutual Companies: Cdp (Welford Road) Limited
39 Robin Michael Philpot Sheppard
Mutual Companies: Bh (Summermist) Limited
40 Graham Galsgaard Marskell
Mutual Companies: Cdp (Welford Road) Limited
41 Graham Galsgaard Marskell
Mutual Companies: Bh Ilford Limited
42 Graham Galsgaard Marskell
Mutual Companies: Bhl Trading Limited
43 Graham Galsgaard Marskell
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels Chester Limited
44 Graham Galsgaard Marskell
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels (Designs) Limited
45 Robin Michael Philpot Sheppard
Mutual Companies: Bh Central Services Limited
46 Graham Galsgaard Marskell
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels Lyndene Limited
47 Graham Galsgaard Marskell
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels (West London) Limited
48 Stephen Linton Littlefair
Mutual Companies: Hotel Gotham Limited
49 Graham Galsgaard Marskell
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels (Wessex) Limited
50 Haydn Herbert James Fentum
Mutual Companies: Hotel Gotham Limited
51 Graham Galsgaard Marskell
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels The Mill Limited
52 Graham Galsgaard Marskell
Mutual Companies: Hrsgt St Lucia Limited
53 Graham Galsgaard Marskell
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels (Caledonia 1) Limited
54 Graham Galsgaard Marskell
Mutual Companies: Goldie Hotels (5) Limited
55 Graham Galsgaard Marskell
Mutual Companies: Bh (Summermist) Limited
56 Graham Galsgaard Marskell
Mutual Companies: Bh Central Services Limited
57 Thomas Edward Greenall
Mutual Companies: Hotel Gotham Limited
58 Richard Charles Grove
Mutual Companies: Hotel Gotham Limited
59 Robin Michael Philpot Sheppard
Mutual Companies: Hotel Gotham Limited
60 Graham Galsgaard Marskell
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels International Limited
61 Graham Galsgaard Marskell
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels Cirencester Limited
62 Jonathan Booth
Mutual Companies: Hotel Gotham Limited
63 Haydn Herbert James Fentum
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels (West London) Limited
64 Graham Galsgaard Marskell
Mutual Companies: Hotel Gotham Limited
65 Robin Michael Philpot Sheppard
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels (West London) Limited
66 Haydn Herbert James Fentum
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels Cirencester Limited
67 Graham Galsgaard Marskell
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels Torquay Limited
68 Richard Charles Grove
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels Cirencester Limited
69 Richard Charles Grove
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels (West London) Limited
70 Graham Galsgaard Marskell
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels Manchester Limited
71 Robin Michael Philpot Sheppard
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels Cirencester Limited
72 Graham Galsgaard Marskell
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels Blackpool Limited
73 Simon Charles Newton Marshall
Mutual Companies: Cdp (Welford Road) Limited
74 Graham Galsgaard Marskell
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels Harrogate Limited
75 Simon Charles Newton Marshall
Mutual Companies: Hotel Gotham Limited
76 Darren Guy
Mutual Companies: Hotel Gotham Limited
77 Graham Galsgaard Marskell
Mutual Companies: Bespoke Hotels (Plymouth) Limited
78 Ronen Erwin Nissenbaum
Mutual Companies: Hotel Gotham Limited
79 Robin Michael Philpot Sheppard
Mutual Companies: Bh Ilford Limited
80 Robin Michael Philpot Sheppard
Mutual Companies: Hotel Gotham Newcastle Limited